Over Cladding to existing roofs

Over Cladding to existing roofs

You work, while we work!

Over cladding

When considering roof replacement, the prospect of disruption, inconvenience and loss of revenue could be quite daunting.

There does come a time however, when repeated on-going maintenance is no longer a cost effective option, and replacement is the only long term solution.


A solution that suits all!

A very successful method of hassle – free roof replacement, is by Over Cladding the existing coverings using the latest roof sheeting materials.

The benefits of this method are as follows:
  • • No disruption below as existing roof is retained in place
  • • No loss of revenue due to closure of building
  • • Upgrade thermal performance of building by introducing insulation between the old and new roofs
  • • Improve natural daylight by introducing translucent roof panels.